Do you want to know the sex of your baby?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it all depends on you and your partner’s preferences. But don’t be fooled, this has potential to be one of the bigger choices.
There are lots of people who stand firmly on the ‘Yes! I need to know’ side and the same amount on the ‘No! I would like to wait’ side, but there are also those who are on the fence, and quite rightly so. As soon as you say that you would like to know the sex of your baby and once you’ve been told, there is no turning back. So be firm in your decision, whichever it is.
While there are many points to argue both sides and you can use external sources to help you make the all-important decision, such as this handy quiz from parents.com. Speak to people you know, friends and family, to find out what they did and if they regretted their decision to find out or wait.
There are many reasons couples choose to know the sex of their baby. Not only is it convenient with helping to decide a colour scheme for the nursery or helping to narrow down the last few baby names on your list, but it is also an opportunity to get the first glimpse into who your baby is and some say that this helps in the bonding process. For those who are naturally curious and would like to alleviate the pressure of everyone asking ‘why didn’t you want to find out?!’ this may be the best thing to do. With the technology available why not! But do bear in mind, your baby has to reveal his or her anatomical features during your 20 week scan for you to find out the sex, so you may not get a choice in the end – be prepared for this and you won’t leave feeling disappointed.
Those who decide to wait until their baby is born for the doctor to announce the sex may say they’ve decided to hold off on knowing because they are holding onto that last little pocket of mystery and want to experience the joys of anticipation. Some women declare it’s their reward after carrying their baby for 9 months and giving birth!
So what’s the solution when one parent wants to know and the other would prefer not to? In this scenario it is best to communicate your thoughts and feelings behind wanting to find out or to wait until the birth of your child. Be understanding and make sure you listen – You never know you could convince one another of doing the complete opposite! But if you do have the patience to wait then that is your best option, and if you wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret from your other half then probably don’t find out!
With amazing technology now available, you not only receive the scan you’re provided with at your 20 week ultra sound, you can get 3D and 4D scans of your little bean! Exhibitors at our North West Show Lollipop 4D baby scans and Apeekaboo Imaging at our Bluewater Show can offer you plenty of advice and you can book with them on the day! Scans are not available at the show but you can talk to exhibitors to find out more information about what they can offer and you can book an appointment.
Either way, whether you find out your baby’s sex or not it will be a wonderful, unique and amazing surprise to you and your partner that you will both cherish. Let us know whether you’re decided to find out or whether you’re decided to wait until the birth? Do you regret your decision?