Best Prices Guaranteed
At this exciting, life changing time you will no doubt have a list of must-haves (and probably lots of lovely-to-haves) as long as your arm designed to make your life with your baby easy, practical, safe, stylish and comfortable.

We don’t just offer you the widest possible choice of products to give you and your baby the best start, we want to make sure you can save as much money as possible with our special show deals.
That’s why we are guaranteeing the best prices on car seats, prams and buggies at the show; have one to one demonstrations from the brands representatives direct, find the right product for your needs and then buy it at the best price – guaranteed! Plus, our retail partners at Baby Planet offer free home delivery, so your time at the show is as stress-free and convenient as possible.
Don’t forget it’s not just about the big-name brands, we have over 150 different brands from quirky, funky stylish and innovative companies that aren’t available in the big nursery stores or on the high street.
Bring your baby shopping list to the show and make your baby budget stretch further!