Safety essentials for busy new parents
As a busy mummy to 6 children, I am constantly dealing with scraped knees, sprained ankles, bumped heads and baking-related burns. I get asked questions about first aid all the time, so I’ve made a list of the top things you really need to know.
Clock change – we’re springing forward!
Hooray for spring! It feels like a long winter – just us?! And with the lighter days, comes the clock change. Twice a year when the clocks change, we’re inundated with questions and parents asking what they can do to manage the change. Although the spring clock change can play havoc with our bodies (an increase in heart attacks and strokes the day after this happen), it can actually really help you out if you have a little one who likes waking before 5am!
Relieve Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy
Back and pelvic discomfort are really common during pregnancy – whilst this is often a side-effect of amazing changes in your body to nurture your baby’s growth, if you are a sufferer you may know how debilitating this can be. This week’s blog provides tips to help you find relief and get on with the more important things in life!
4 secret tips for coping with stress as a new mum
Becoming a mother is a beautiful journey, but the first months can be often challenging. Your life undergoes a profound shift almost overnight. You find yourself navigating a sea of emotions, coping with sleepless nights, and tending to a little one who relies on you completely. This transformation, though demanding, can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
Why it’s more important than ever to review your life insurance when you become parents
Many parents, when having a new child, already have life insurance, whether that be from taking out a policy after having a previous child or through their mortgage. However, a lot of parents don’t realise that their existing policy may not consider their change in circumstances or are not fully aware of the different types of cover policies that are available.
How To Survive The Four-Month Sleep Regression
The 4 month sleep regression is something that buzzes around all the coffee meet ups and baby groups. But what exactly causes it, and how can it be managed? From your baby’s sleep environment to the importance of routine, Becky Badgers from Little Dreams Consulting offers some top tips so both you and baby can sleep better!
Sleeping Tips For Babies With Reflux
Reflux in babies can be a really stressful issue to navigate, especially when it’s keeping them up at night. Read this week’s blog post by Kiindred’s Bella Brennan, which outlines 6 easy ways you can help your reflux-impacted child rest all the more calmly.
Black Maternal Mental Health Week
It’s Black Maternal Mental Health Week and Sandra Igwe, founder of The Motherhood Group discusses her maternal journey and the equity & inequalities black mums face with their mental health. Read her fantastic blog to spot the signs of postpartum depression and invaluable advice on accessing perinatal mental health support.
How to start weaning a baby
Starting your weaning journey with your baby can often be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Good Play Guide have got just the advice to make your journey exciting for both you and your little ones. From baby-led weaning to parent-led weaning, find out more about the approach that works best for your family!